Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons Plus
Social sharing buttons that you can drop into any website with attractive SVG-based icons, small download, and browser compatibility.
RRSSB+ automatically adjusts to different screen sizes by tweaking sizes, splitting buttons evenly onto multiple rows and hiding the labels. The library offers consistently styled buttons for all sites. It avoids running scripts from each social site, with the inherent overheads and inconsistent appearance of buttons.
Developed by AlbanyWeb, based on the original RRSSB by KNI.
This is a demo page to show how the buttons adapt to the space available. So we've added a second set of buttons to let you see how they adapt to different shape containers. What's more, there is a form below you can use to reconfigure the button settings - normally only the site admin could do that. Of course the changes you make to our site are just temporary and don't affect other users.
Please give it a try - resize your window, change the options, do your worst, and watch the buttons adapt. We've tested on different browsers, from tiny to huge, but we welcome more testing. If you find a bug, please send us a screenshot.